I’m Back! …With an actual product

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      • February 24, 2023 at 12:33 pm#3539627

        Hi David and all, I took a crack at the BMA framework a few years ago. I built out an entire site and a few functioning lead magnets. I got so far as attracting a couple hundred people onto my mailing list and getting a few people to actually buy the small upsell at the end of my lead magnet. The trouble was that I never had something I was comfortable calling a “product.” It was in the realm of theology and personal transformation, but I could never get over charging for it.

        In the end I bailed and took a job.

        During that time I have fallen in love withnative prairie plants and ecology. I went through a business building boot camp through a local organization, but determined that I didn’t know enough about the field to jump in yet. I developed a few different lean canvases in the process which aimed at different market segments. I then changed jobs to work with a company that does the whole range of native prairie management and restoration.

        I feel like I’m ready to begin. I have built an indoor grow system and presently have thousands of hand-collected local-ecotype native plants germinating happily in my garage. (not my photo, but shows what I’m up to) I now have a very tangible product and an eager market that currently is woefully underserved. I can do this!

        So here’s the question: Where do I start with all this from a technology standpoint? Last time I was here the name of the game was WordPress, site ground, Aweber, and Thrive. Is that still where we are at? Which course would be the best for me to jump into so I can get moving building this thing out? The plants are growing fast!

        Thank you!


        • February 24, 2023 at 12:33 pm#3539628

          For referencehere is a prime role model for what I’m aiming at. The design is clunky, but he’s running a successful version of the business I want to run, but a few hundred miles further south. Looks like he uses square space.

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